Wikia Habitica

If you don't know where to start, have a look at the short guide (german).

Translation Priority

Please have a look at the new categories



These are used to list all the wiki pages that need to be updated after the Website Re-Design. If some of the wiki pages in these categories are already translated, they should be updated first before you start translating another wiki page.

If you have a transifex account, please help with the website translations first. We'll need the translated to texts for new screenshots!


Each page should be linked to its English equivalent. See Guidance for Linguistic Scribes for more information. Links to the French version are possible, too. Other languages may not be supported.

Pages that are linked in articles and don't exist yet (and aren't listed in the table below) need to be added to the table, so they won't be forgotten.

There still are lots of broken links. As pages get added, links should be checked occasionally. See the Work in Progress List below for reference.


Die Anredeformen sind gegenwärtig: Spielregeln/AGB/Vertragstexte: "Sie/Ihnen" (großgeschrieben) Spieltext/Quests: "Ihr/Euch" wenn möglich. Wenn wirklich nur ein Spieler gemeint ist, dann bitte "Du/Dir/Dich" (großgeschrieben). Announcement by luveluen (transifex, May 16, 2016)

Im Wiki wird als persönliche Anrede "Du" (großgeschrieben) verwendet.

In Spieltexten bitte möglichst das generische Maskulinum verwenden (luveluen: "Eine Frau ist genauso ein Abenteurer und ein Held."). Ansonsten möglichst auf den genderneutralen Plural (Spielende/User/Teilnehmende...) übersetzen. Wenn es nicht anders geht, kann "SpielerIn" verwendet werden.


  • If at all possible, include pictures from the English Wiki, instead of uploading them all into the German one.
  • This is how you do it:
Linked image example

This image needs an underscore in the link: [[File:Shop defensiveStance.png|link=]]

    1. Get the source code of a picture in the English Wiki: [[File:Base_hatching_potion.png]]
    2. Copy it to the source code of the German Wiki and add a link: [[File:Base_hatching_potion.png|link=]]
    3. You now can format the pictures with |right or |frame|picture description or |thumb|170px etc. AND the method also works in templates (in templates the pictures need to be inserted without the [[ and the ]])!!!
    4. Please test the final link! The wiki often shows underscores (_) as spaces - but the link won't function if you don't use the correct filename with underscores! See the image on the right for an example (if you don't see this page, your link is not working properly).
  • See this page for more detailed documentation.


In the German Wiki, we use German categories (of course! ^^). To make sure that an English category doesn't accidentally get more than one translation, here's the list of "official" translations (hidden, to save space):

English German Notes
Avatar Avatar
Blog posts (Blog posts cannot be written in the german wiki)
Boss Quests Bossquests Aktuell verwendet: Boss-Quests
Challenges Wettbewerbe
Class System Klassen
Collection Quests Sammelquests Aktuell verwendet: Sammel-Quests
Community Community
Content nicht wirklich benötigt; ehem. Inhalt
Contributing Mithelfen ehem. Mitwirken
Credits Danksagungen
Equipment Ausrüstung
Extensions, Add-Ons, and Customizations Erweiterungen, Add-Ons und Anpassungen
Fun Spaß
Grand Galas Große Galas
Guilds Gilden (refers to pages in The Armory)
Health Lebenspunkte
Incentives Motivation ehem. Anreiz
Mechanics Spielmechanik ehem. Funktionsweise
Methodologies Methodik
Newbies Neulinge
News Neuigkeiten (the translated news can be found here: Whats new de)
Parties Gruppen (refers to pages in The Armory)
Pet Quests Haustierquests Aktuell verwendet: Haustier-Quests
Pets and Mounts Haus- und Reittiere
Profile Profil
Quests Quests
Quick References Kurzübersicht ehem. Kurzreferenzen
Sample Lists Beispiellisten
Settings and Options Einstellungen
Skills Fähigkeiten
Social Soziales
Special Event Items Besondere Gegenstände ehem. Seltene Gegenstände (aber da jeder z.B. einen Partyhut bekommen kann, sind sie nicht unbedingt selten)
Stats Statistiken
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting
Unlockable Features Freischaltbares ehem. Freischaltbare Funktionen
World Events Weltereignisse

Work done and in progress

  • If you start a translation, please add your wiki username as link, the edit date and the status "WIP" (Work In Progress) to the table.
  • While working on a wiki page translation, add the {{Baustelle|Pagename|Username}} template at the top of the page.
  • If the English article contains the section 'Information for Developers', leave it out in your translation.
  • If you finished a wiki page translation, set the status to "ready for review" so that another user can review your translation. You cannot review your own translation! The reviewer can then set the status to "ok".
  • If you find some wiki pages with too few or old information, set the status to "outdated". Thank you!


  • Alle Haus- und Reittiere wurden umbenannt, um ein neutrales Geschlecht zu erhalten. Damit die Adjektive der Schlüpftränke trotzdem noch passen, wurden diese zu *Schlüpfelixiere* umbenannt.

First Pages

Refer to Guidance for Linguistic Scribes for a list of the first pages of each wiki.

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
HabitRPG Wiki HabitRPG Wiki Luveluen ok janey_p 2015-03-23
Pets Haustiere Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-06-26 updated the Gen1 Pets images and table layout (LadyAzur)
Mounts Reittiere Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-04-23
Class System Klassen Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-04-13 updated & translated the page, corrected spelling mistakes, linked images (LadyAzur); image for "Enable Class System" still in English
Warrior Krieger Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-02-27 updated the page & translated the new content, added 2016 GG Gear (LadyAzur)
Mage Magier Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-04-26 updated the page & translated the new content, added 2016 GG Gear (LadyAzur)
Rogue Schurke Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-03-29 updated the page & translated the new content (LadyAzur)
Healer Heiler Luveluen ok averagepleb 2017-04-14 updated the page & translated the new content (LadyAzur)

Skills and Attributes

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Skills Fähigkeiten created
Character Attributes Charakterattribute NetworkTobi outdated 2017-04-06 needs rework and screenshots for the missing sections
Automatic Allocation Automatische Verteilung does not exist yet
Strength Stärke Walderich created
Constitution Ausdauer Walderich ready for review LadyAzur 2017-07-05 translation finished
Perception Wahrnehmung Walderich created
Intelligence Intelligenz Walderich created
Buff Verstärkungszauber inexistent

Basic Gameplay


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Tasks Aufgaben SmokeMaster ok SmokeMaster 2015-8-22
Dailies Tägliche Aufgaben janey_p ok


2015-05-23 DepriCat
To-Dos To-Dos janey_p WIP janey_p
Habits Gewohnheiten janey_p WIP janey_p
Rewards Belohnungen janey_p WIP janey_p

Task Setup

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Establishing Your Tasks Einrichten Deiner Aufgaben does not exist yet
Task Type Choice: Habit, Daily, or To-Do does not exist yet
Naming Your Tasks Benennen Deiner Aufgaben does not exist yet
Gamifying Your Lists Gamifiziere Deine Listen does not exist yet
Tags Tags LadyAzur ok averagepleb 2017-02-21
Checklists Checklisten LadyAzur ok averagepleb 2017-04-18 some images still in English
Task List FAQ Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Aufgabenliste does not exist yet


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Experience Points Erfahrungspunkte Walderich created
Health Points Lebenspunkte CrispyLovesCookies ok janey_p 2015-04-25 The part about Sync Errors needs to be properly translated as soon as the German Sync Errors page is translated!
Gold Points Goldpunkte SebRut completed Walderich 2015-10-14
Level Level CymothoaExigua ok janey_p 2015-04-28 broken links need occasional checking - the 2 last pictures couldn't be linked from the English Wiki, so they had to be uploaded to the German one
Drops Beute
Mana Points Manapunkte NetworkTobi WIP 2016-11-28 translation in progress (stub). Needs to be verified against updated english page.
Achievements Erfolge Walderich slightly outdated averagepleb 2017-02-28
Task Value Aufgabenwert LadyAzur ok averagepleb 2017-02-20


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Burnout Burnout DepriCat Work in Progress
Cheating Schummeln (Betrügen?) does not exist yet
Death Mechanics Tod - Funktionsweise does not exist yet referenced in Lebenspunkte, Cron (in case the page title gets changed)
Obstacles Hindernisse does not exist yet
Rest in the Inn Im Gasthaus erholen ok averagepleb 2017-04-16
Start Over Options Neustart Optionen does not exist yet
Quests Quests Walderich update needed averagepleb 2017-04-16 specific quest pages should be up to date now Walderich (talk) 13:33, March 29, 2016 (UTC); English images should be exchanged
Boss Bossgegner Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-04-16


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Mobile App for Android: Habitica does not exist yet
Mobile App for iOS: Habitica does not exist yet

Beyond Basics


see World Events (Category) for missing pages

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Grand Galas Große Galas LadyAzur ready for review LadyAzur 2017-04-22 page created and translated; added sub-sections for equipment to match the splitted templates
Spring Fling Frühlingsfeier does not exist yet
Summer Splash Sommer-Strandparty does not exist yet
Fall Festival Herbstball LadyAzur WIP LadyAzur 2017-09-24
Winter Wonderland Winter-Wunderland Scarvia ready for review LadyAzur 2017-07-02 translation finished
Habitica Birthday Bash Habitica-Geburtstagsfeier does not exist yet
Habitica Naming Day Habitica Namenstag does not exist yet
Event Item Sequences ? does not exist yet
World Bosses Weltbosse Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-28


Common Quests

Collection & Boss Quests

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Dish Disaster Abwasch-Katastrophe Walderich created
The SnackLess Monster Das Monster von KochLess Walderich created
The Laundromancer Der Wäschebeschwörer Walderich created
Free Yourself of the Dragon's Influence Befreie dich vom Einfluss des Drachen Walderich created
Find the Lair of the Wyrm Finde den Hort des Wyrmes Walderich created
Vice Awakens Laster erwacht Walderich created
A Stern Talking-To Ein ernstes Gespräch Walderich created
Gold Knight Die Goldene Ritterin Walderich created
The Iron Knight Der eiserne Ritter Walderich created
The Moonstone Chain Die Mondsteinkette Walderich created
Recidivate the Necromancer Die Totenbeschwörerin Recidivate Walderich created
Recidivate Transformed Recidivate transformiert Walderich created
The Basi-List Der Basi-List Walderich created
Message in a Bottle Flaschenpost Walderich created Dilatory Distress, Part 1
Creatures of the Crevasse Kreaturen der Gletscherspalte Walderich created Dilatory Distress, Part 2
Not a Mere Maid Nicht nur ein Dienstmädchen Walderich created Dilatory Distress, Part 3
In Which Mistiflying Experiences a Dreadful Bother Mayhem in Mistiflying, Part 1
In Which the Wind Worsens Mayhem in Mistiflying, Part 2
In Which a Mailman is Extremely Rude Mayhem in Mistiflying, Part 3
Earthen Enemies Erdgegner Wariannem created Stoïkalm Calamity, Part 1
Seek the Icicle Caverns Such' die Eiszapfenhöhlen Wariannem created Stoïkalm Calamity, Part 2
Icicle Drake Quake Erwachen des Eiszapfendrachen Wariannem created Stoïkalm Calamity, Part 3
The Blaze in the Taskwoods
Finding the Flourishing Fairies
Jacko of the Lantern
Read Between the Lines
Assembling the a'Voidant
City in the Sands
The Lost Masterclasser

Pet Quests

All pet quests are categorized under Pet Quests. Please check the category page regularly for new pet quests.

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
The Birds of Preycrastination Die Zeitraubvögel Walderich translated Walderich 2016-06-25
Bye, Bye, Butterfry Flieg' weiter, Funkenfalter! Wariannem created Wariannem 2017-06-03
The Call of Octothulu Der Ruf des Octothulu Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-24
Convincing the Unicorn Queen Überzeuge die Einhornkönigin Walderich translated Walderich 2016-06-25
The CRITICAL BUG Der KRITISCHE BUG Wariannem translated Wariannem 2016-10-22
The Dilatory Derby Das Dilatory-Rennen Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-25
The Dinosaur Unearthed Der Dinosaurier aus den Tiefen der Erde Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-10
Escape the Cave Creature Entkomme dem Höhlenungetüm Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-09
The Fiery Gryphon Der Feuergreif Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-22
The Fowl Frost Der Federvieh-Frost Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-13
Guide the Turtle Führe die Schildkröte Wariannem translated Wariannem 2016-09-19
The Guinea Pig Gang Die Meerschweinchengang Wariannem translated Wariannem 2017-03-22
The Hedgebeast Das Igelmonster Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-24
Help! Harpy! Hilfe! Harpyien! Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-02
The Icy Arachnid Die eisige Arachnoide Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-02
The Indulgent Armadillo Das duldsame Gürteltier Wariannem translated Wariannem 2016-09-20
Infestation of the NowDo Nudibranches Befall mit NurSofort-Nacktkiemern Wariannem translated Wariannem 2017-08-03
The Jelly Regent Der Glibberkönig Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-13
The Killer Bunny Das Killerkaninchen Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-09
King of the Dinosaurs König der Dinosaurier Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-13
The Kraken of Inkomplete Der Kraken von Unfertik Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-25
The Magical Axolotl Der magische Axolotl Wariannem translated 2016-09-18
Monstrous Mandrill and the Mischief Monkeys Monströser Mandrill und die Albernen Affen Walderich translated Walderich 2016-06-25
The Mootant Cow Die Muhtanten-Kuh Wariannem translated 2016-09-21
The Nefarious Ferret Das ruchlose Frettchen Wariannem translated Wariannem 2017-01-03
The Night-Owl Die Nachteule Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-02
The_Push-and-Pull_Peacock Der Für-und-Wider-Pfau Wariannem translated Wariannem 2017-03-22
The Rat King Der Rattenkönig Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-24
Ride the Night-Mare Reite den Alptraum Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-28
Rooster Rampage Hahnenkampf Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-02
The Sabre Cat Der Säbelzahntiger Walderich translated Walderich 2016-06-25
The Serpent of Distraction Die Schlange der Ablenkung Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-31
The Snail of Drudgery Sludge Die Schnecke der Schlamm-Schinderei Walderich translated Walderich 2016-06-25
The Somnolent Sloth Das verschlafene Faultier Wariannem translated Wariannem 2017-01-03
The Spirit of Spring Die Seele des Frühlings Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-02-24
Such a Cheetah So ein Gepard Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-26
Swamp of the Clutter Frog Sumpf des Chaos-Froschs Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-29
The Tangle Tree Das Baumgewirr Wariannem translated NetworkTobi 2016-11-26
The Thunder Ram Der Donnerbock Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-25
The Trampling Triceratops Der Trampelnde Triceratops Wariannem translated Wariannem 2017-01-17
Wail of the Whale Jammern des Wals Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-03-26
What a Hippo-Crite Was für ein heuchlerisches Hippo LadyAzur translated LadyAzur 2017-10-16

Seasonal Quests

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Egg Hunt Eierjagd Walderich created
Trapper Santa Wildernder Weihnachtswichtel Walderich created
Find the Cub Finde das Jungtier Walderich created


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Cron Cron LadyAzur ok averagepleb 2017-04-15
The Perfect Day Der perfekte Tag Walderich ok averagepleb 2017-04-27
Streaks Strähnen ready for review
Critical Hit Kritischer Treffer averagepleb ready for review averagepleb 2017-05-02 loosely translated for better phrasing; 2 images still in English
Damage Schaden averagepleb ok averagepleb 2017-05-05 1 image still in English
Rest in the Inn Im Gasthaus erholen ok averagepleb 2017-04-16

Avatar & Equipment

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Avatar Avatar does not exist yet
Avatar Customizations Avataranpassungen does not exist yet
Backgrounds Hintergründe averagepleb wip averagepleb 2017-05-02
Costumes Kostüme does not exist yet
Equipment Ausrüstung Luveluen outdated Walderich
2016-11-28 section 1-3 are translated but not neccessary up to date; section 4-8 are missing
Equipment Table Ausrüstungsübersicht does not exist yet
Enchanted Armoire Verzauberter Schrank does not exist yet
Item Availability Verfügbarkeit von Gegenständen does not exist yet
Item Store Belohnungsladen LadyAzur ready for review LadyAzur 2017-07-17 translation finished
Mysterious Time Travelers Mysteriöse Zeitreisende does not exist yet
Mystery Item Mysteriöse Gegenstände ready for review LadyAzur 2017-09-22 translation finished
Mystic Hourglass Mystische Sanduhr LadyAzur WIP
Seasonal Shop Jahreszeitenmarkt LadyAzur ready for review LadyAzur 2017-07-22 created, translation finished
Transformation Items Transformationsgegenstände does not exist yet


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Drops Beute Walderich created
Eggs Eier kawunngg ok - for now kawunngg 2015-03-25 pictures are uploaded in german wiki. would be nice to insert links to the english wiki pictures instead. low priority
Food Futter / CrispyLovesCookies

ok janey_p 2015-04-23 page fully translated - as pages get added, links should be checked occasionally
Hatching Potions Schlüpftränke Walderich created
Inventory Inventar SmokeMaster ok SmokeMaster 2015-8-13
Inventory Items Inventargegenstände does not exist yet
Market s. Inventargegenstände does not exist yet Market is forwarded to a sub section of Inventory Items
Health Potions Heiltränke created
Fortify Potion Verstärkungstrank does not exist yet
Key to the Kennels Schlüssel zu den Zwingern does not exist yet


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Community Community SmokeMaster WIP SmokeMaster currently referenced in Futter and Haustiere (For World Events! After World Events headline gets translated, the Links need to be checked in those pages!)
Chat Chat does not exist yet Subheadline "Copying Chat Message as To-Do" needs to be translated to "Chat-Nachricht als To-Do kopieren" (referenced like this on the To-Dos page)
Challenges Wettbewerbe does not exist yet

currently referenced as "Wettbewerb" on the Start Page


Tavern Gasthaus does not exist yet
Party Gruppe created
Group Plans Gruppenpläne does not exist yet
Moderators Moderatoren averagepleb ready for review averagepleb 2017-04-09 translation completed
Guilds Gilden Davidhild WIP Scarvia 2017-11-27

Contributing / Support Habitica

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Contributing to HabitRPG An HabitRPG mitarbeiten forwarded to Contributing to Habitica no translation needed (translate Contributing to Habitica instead)
Contributing to Habitica An Habitica mitarbeiten does not exist yet
Contributor Rewards Mitarbeiterbelohnungen does not exist yet
Subscription Abonnement does not exist yet
Gems Edelsteine SmokeMaster ok SmokeMaster 2015-8-16

Sample Lists

page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Sample Dailies Beispiele für tägliche Aufgaben janey_p ok janey_p 2015-05-25
Sample Habits Beispiele für Gewohnheiten janey_p ok janey_p 2015-05-27
Sample To-Dos Beispiele für To-Dos janey_p ok janey_p 2015-06-16
Sample Tags Beispiele für Tags does not exist yet
Sample Custom Rewards Beispiele für selbsterstellte Belohnungen janey_p ok janey_p 2015-06-10 Überarbeitung DepriCat HabitRPG ändern etc.
Habitican Shared Task Lists Aufgabenlisten anderer Habiticaner does not exist yet


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Habitica Redesign Fact Sheet Habitica Informationen zum neuen Design DepriCat finished
Header Kopfzeile does not exist yet
Settings Einstellungen does not exist yet
Fix Character Values Charakterwerte reparieren does not exist yet
Markdown Cheat Sheet Markdown-Spickzettel does not exist yet
Data Display Tool Werkzeug zur Datenanzeige SmokeMaster empty page SmokeMaster talk page
Data Export Datenexport does not exist yet Subheadline "Limitations on Data Stored" needs to be translated to "Einschränkungen für gespeicherte Daten" (referenced like this on the Gewohnheiten page)
Toolbar Werkzeugleiste does not exist yet
Profile Profil does not exist yet
API_Options API Optionen does not exist yet
Emoji emoji does not exist yet


page (en) page (de) added by status editor last edit notes
Advanced Options Erweiterte Optionen does not exist yet
Sync Errors Synchroni­sierungsfehler does not exist yet
Boss Bossgegner Walderich created Wariannem 2017-04-20
Orb of Rebirth Sphäre der Wiedergeburt ready for review
FAQ Häufig gestellte Fragen does not exist yet
SMART Goal Setting SMART-Zielsetzung does not exist yet
Difficulty Schwierigkeit averagepleb ready for review averagepleb 2017-03-29 did not translate some parts in the order of the English article for clear phrasing
Tales of Uncommon Valor Geschichten von ungewöhnlichem Heldenmut does not exist yet
Cards Grußkarten does not exist yet
Daily Check-In Incentives Tägliche Anmeldebelohnungen ready for review
Habitversary Party Habitagsparty averagepleb ready for review averagepleb 2017-03-29
Adapting Habitica for Anxiety and Depression Habitica bei Depressionen und Angststörungen nutzen DepriCat ready for review DepriCat 2017-08-19 changed phone numbers/links to German pages, in parts deviated from original in adapting to German, as this is not pertaining to Gameplay, Game content